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Live-in Care provides you or your loved one the opportunity to stay in the place you call home for as long as possible, with the help and support of a full-time Care Giver. Live-in care means having a fully trained carer living with you in your own home. Your live-in carer will support you with your specific needs to keep you comfortable and independent at home. Our live-in carers and companions help with, but not limited to:
Housekeeping and Other Daily Domestic Tasks
Personal Care and Specialist Medical Care
Dietary and Nutritional needs
Companionship and Support
Our Live-in Care service is a catered to be a viable alternative to a care home, as we offer one-to-one highly personalised, flexible care and support in the comfortable and familiar surroundings of your own home. It is a cost-effective alternative to a residential home care with the Live-in Caregiver taking up residence in your home for an agreed period.
Benefits of Live-in care?
There are a number of reasons you might choose Live-in care. Here are the main ones:
Staying in your own home in the environment you love the most
Avoiding change – daily life can stay much the same with that extra support
Flexible care built around you – your carer helps as much or little as you like
Keeping the same routines, hobbies and interests
Companionship, whether it’s sharing meals, watching TV or enjoying days out
Family and friends can still come and go as normal
Emotional support – many carers become more like friends to our customers
Having the right live-in carer for you
With a carefully selected carer, your life can stay as close to the same as before. The big change is that you have the dedicated round-the-clock support you do things your way, the right way.
The idea of welcoming a person into your home and life may seem a unnerving at first. But we walk you through each step of the way and place so much importance on matching you with someone you feel the most comfortable with and who understands your routines, likes and interests. It may be that you’d like:
A carer with a certain level of experience and/or specialist training
A carer who can drive
A choice of male or female carers to support your personal care needs
Somebody who shares your hobby or interests
A carer who is comfortable looking after your animals
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